
Facial Recognition Using One-shot Learning

Implementation Imports First, there’s a need to import all libraries that we will use. NumPy (np) and Pandas (pd) are fundamental for numerical computations and data manipulation, respectively. The tqdm library provides progress bars for better visualization during loops or computations, while the time module allows us to work with time-related functions. We also import PyTorch (torch) for building and training deep learning models. OpenCV (cv2) is essential for image processing tasks.

Building a Spotify Recommendation System

In this post I’ll show the steps I took in order to build my own spotify recommendation system that will automaticlly add new playlists to my account based on the songs I liked. Using Spotify API and gathering data Importing all the packages we are gonna need: import spotipy from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials import pandas as pd import sklearn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.